How to Disagree with Dignity and Grace:
Using your Voice in Ways Other People Can Hear
4-week online course based on the principles of Nonviolent Communication (NVC)
In today's social and political climate, sharing what's important to you can be a harrowing experience. Whether you are speaking with family members, co-workers, or people in your community, it can be extremely stressful, especially if you are unprepared.
Thankfully, there are readily available communication skills that can help you be much more successful when you express what matters to you -- leading to more mutuality, understanding, and a sense of partnership with others, even when you have different viewpoints or values.
Join us for this 4-week online course to discover these skills so you can put them to use in your life!
What you will learn:
In this course, you can:
Discover what you value, and what truly matters.
Find your voice to take a stand for what is important to you.
Speak in ways other people can more easily receive what you are sharing.
Increase your bandwidth for disagreements and conflict to support building bridges.
Learn to listen to what other people value with more ease.
Decide when it is worthwhile to engage, and when it isn't.
Practice the tools to support you effectively communicating in a variety of situations.
DATES & TIME: 4 consecutive Saturdays: August 1, 8, 15, 22, 2020 (11:00 am - 1:00 pm ET)
TRAINER: Lisa Gottlieb (pictured right) MSW, SSW and Certified Trainer with the Center for Nonviolent Communication
COST: Early Bird: $75 (by July 19); Standard: $90 (after July 19)
QUESTIONS: If you have questions about registration, payments, or other logistics, email us.
If you're new to Nonviolent Communication...
Join us for a 2-hour introductory class, "Empathy: The Power of Deep Listening" one week before this course begins, on Saturday, July 25, 2020.
In that class, you will learn one of the most powerful communication skills available, deep listening or "empathy," which will give you a strong foundation to get the most out of this 4-week course.